DuPage County Sheriff's (IL) Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 109
DuPage County Sheriff's (IL) Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 109

Membership Application

If you have not been a member of the DuPage County Sheriff’s FOP Lodge 109 in the past, do not pay your dues until your application is approved by the executive board. All fields are required.


Failure to complete the application in its entirety will result in your application being denied.


The executive board and active members of Lodge 109 reserve the right to refuse and/or revoke associate membership at any time.


 When your application is approved, you will be contacted by the executive board member and given instructions on how to pay your dues.



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Next Meeting


Wheaton VFW

on May 23, 2024




Hawthorne's Backyard

Warrenville V.F.W.

American Legion


Meeting are not open to the public without prior permission of the Board of Directors.

Where To Find Us:

DuPage County Sheriff's

Fraternal Order

of Police

Illinois Lodge 109


P.O. Box 537

Winfield, Illinois 60190

Want to Become a Member?

For more information, use our contact form or download our Membership form directly. We look forward to hearing from you!

How to make a donation

You may mail donations to: DuPage County Sheriff's Fraternal Order of Police, Lodge 109

PO Box 537 Winfield, Illinois 60190 

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© DuPage County Sheriff's Office Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 109